James Lin

University of California, Berkeley
Computer Science Division
387 Soda Hall #1776
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
(510) 643-7354

[Find out what "Lin" means]

Research Projects and Links

DENIM is a sketch-based web site and user interface prototyping tool.

* DENIM/SILK Visual Language Project

NotePals is a distributed note taking system. Notes are taken on PDAs and note-taking appliances and shared on web servers, encouraging collaboration.

* An Improved NotePals Note Browser for the Web

Group for User Interface Research
at UC Berkeley

Personal stuff

Billiard ball computer simulator
Requires Java. You can also find out what a billiard ball computer is.

My Netscape bookmarks

Home pages of my family and friends

Places I plan to visit in Northern California

My home page at Caltech
where I went as an undergrad.

I also have a home page hosted by the Caltech Alumni Association.


Who am I

I am in my fourth year in the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, specializing in human-computer interaction.

My advisor is Professor James Landay. I am a member of the Group for User Interface Research.

I graduated from the California Institute of Technology, popularly known as Caltech, in 1997.

Fun Stuff

[Route Markers] [Lincoln Highway] [AboutVia] [Calvin and Hobbes] [Dilbert] [FoxTrot] [Garfield] [Kevin & Kell] [Non Sequitur] [c|net NEWS.COM] [Mercury Center] [KCBS All News 74 - San Francisco] [WCBS Newsradio 88 - New York]

UC Berkeley home page
CS home page

Layout last modified on August 27, 1998 by jlin@ugcs.caltech.edu

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